ADA Engraving Services
Engraving Services Available:
Metal Or Plastic,
What ever ADA requirement you may have..,
no job is
too small.

ADA Friendly

Engraved ADA Compliant Signs

With the U.S. Congress passage of the
Americans with Disability Act,
buildings were to become handicappable friendly
and were to maintain certain signs so indicating.
Some of the guide lines for these signs include
incorporating engraved raised lettering and
two styles of Braille which are raster and engraved.
  • ADA engraved signs

  • ADA Braille signs

  • ADA sublimated signs

  • ADA photopolymer signs

Simply contact us. We will be happy to discuss your
requirements for any ADA indoor or outdoor
sign required.
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L and L Engravers PO. Box 65034 Seattle, Washington 98155
Phone: 425-397-6184 Fax: 425-397-6192
Toll Free: 1-888-743-1876
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